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Blue River Resort Hotel Hot Springs Cost Rica

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Botanical Orchid Garden

Botanical Orchid Garden
Costa Rica's wild orchids arerenowned for their beauty, color and charm. In fact, Costa Rica's National Flower, is an orchid, the guaria morada (Guariantheskinneri), known for its gorgeous purple hues and diamond-like shimmer. Todayorchidshave been commercializedand beautify homesthroughout the world, with attractive displays of flowers that can last for months.But nonecan compare to the exquisite allure of the orchids found at Blue River Resort & Hot Springs' Botanical Orchid Garden and the orchids found throughout the hotel grounds. When our hotel managerposted pictures takenon his cell phone onFacebookwe knewwe had to share them here with you.

Due to the area in and around Blue River Resort & Hot Springs, the variety of orchids is astounding. Only the north side of Rincon de la Vieja,inside and outside the national parkhas a Caribbean climatewith a lush cool rain forest. Also only this side of the parkhasnatural hot springs and is the source of many rivers that are blue, black and clear in color. Add in the active volcanic activity andall the altitudesand it adds uptoa multitude of environments – soil types, humidity, temperatures – resulting in unique plant growth and animal habitats. I'm sorry, but I, as author, I do not have special knowledge or evenknow the names of the many of the orchid varietals in these pictures. However, a great source of orchid species can be found on epidendra, the Botanical Databases of JardínBotánicoLankesterAt The University Of Costa Rica.

Orchids in Costa Rica
There are about 1300 to 1500 species of orchids are found in Costa Rica, many with amazing colors, forms and scents. Most are native to South America and Southeast Asia.Usually the flowers begin to bloom during the wet / rainy seasons. In many areas the rainy season begins in May, but rainy seasons vary by location and there can be more than one rainy season during the year. The seasons on the north side of the Rincon de la Vieja more closely align with the Caribbean seasons. Pictures of the orchids here were taken about July 26, 2021. Though tourist soften seek out well known botanical gardens in Costa Rica for their orchid garden, orchids are also found decorating streets, city parks and homes

Interesting Orchid Trivia

  1. Orchids are epiphytes and that means that in the wild most orchids grow on the surface trees, not soil, with roots attached to the bark of tree branches or on rocks, with roots working their way into crevices.When transplanting to a pot, this means the orchid potting mix needs to contain wood chips or bark to make them happy.
  2. Some orchid owners use ice cube at the base of the plant to avoid over-watering which releases the water slow enough for the plant's roots to absorb the hydration. However, experts warn against this practice and one of the reasons is, as a tropical plant, orchids love warmth—and ice cubes are cold.
  3. Orchids like tight spaces. Don't repot yours until its roots have grown through the holes on the pot and are dangling in air. (One exception to this rule is if you buy an orchid that is potted in moss. In that case, repot it immediately in a proper orchid potting mix.)
  4. An orchid's flowers can last for many months. Its best to water an orchid in the morning, using luke warm or room temperature water with no additives, like salt or chlorine. Water under the leaves. Look at the root system to figure out how often to water. It should be dry before watering.
  5. There are more than 25,000 different species of orchids.
  6. In the 1800s orchid specimens began being brought back to Europe and the U.S. from tropical climates. In Holland something similar tulip mania swept the country, called Orchidelirium. In fact, collectors paid thousands of dollars for a single orchid plant. It prompted Victorian-era plant collectors to buy rare orchids for high prices at auctions. Until 1851, when the "The Orchid Grower's Manual" was published, very little was known about propagating orchids or their care.

Botanical Orchid Garden at Blue River Resort & Hot Springs
Visiting the Botanical Gardens at Blue River Resort & Hot Springs will be a highlight of your vacation. It was created some 15 years ago and requires a lot of our love and attention. We hope these pictures of our orchids inspire you.The Orchid Garden can be found here but orchids are also found throughout the grounds of the resort.

Costa Rica Holidays & Special Events February to December, 2021

Public Holiday in Costa Rica

Costa Rica Holidays and Vacations

Costa Rica 2021 Public Holidays & Special Events

In July, 2020, President Carlos Alvarado signed Law 9875, transferring all Holidays that fell on weekends to Mondays. The move is aimed at promoting support for Costa Rica's Tourism sector, which declined during the Covid-19 pandemic due to the restrictions placed on travel. The President plans to maximize support for the industry by increasing 'domestic tourism' in the Country.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic visitors to Costa Rica are advised to check the regulations currently guiding travel procedures before making reservations. The Covid-19 restrictions remain dynamic; changing as the situation warrant.

If you come in contact with someone experiencing symptoms of the Virus or otherwise suspect you may be have been exposed it is recommended that you self-quarantine for the recommended 14 day period and get the necessary medical attention.

During Public Holidays in Costa Rica, most business places and many of the Country's Government offices, banks, stores, and in some places of entertainment will be closed or have adjusted operating times. Plan your movements to ensure that you will not need the services of an institution that may be closed due to the pandemic or for their public holidays, 'feriados' or 'day-off' , especially on Mondays.

Local tourism is being encouraged so expect gatherings observing the protocols of wearing masks and social-distancing at resorts, hotels, car-rental agencies, beaches and other fun/ scenic places. National Parks have modified their regulations for use and visitors must check their regulations in advance.

Costa Rica Holidays and Vacations

Below is a List of Popular Holidays and Festive Occasions in 2021.

*Due to the Covid-19 pandemic most if not all the festivals can or may be cancelled.

Date Celebration
Feb 17th, 2021 Ash Wednesday
*March (1st Week) Bonanza Cattle Show, Horse Racing, Bull Fights-San Jose
*March Oxcart Drivers Day, Dia de los Boyeros –San Antonio de Escazu.
*Mid March National Orchid Show; National Farmers Day; Fruit Festival.
*March International Arts Festival, San Jose, Theatrical & Dance
Mar, 14th, 2021 Daylight Savings Time begins (USA & Canada)
Mar 19th, 2021 San Jose's Day -Masses. Street food festivals
Mar 20th, 2021 March Equinox (Astronomical Spring)
Mar 28th, 2021 Palm Sunday
Mar. 28th – Apr. 4th, 2021 Holy Week- Sunday Mar. 28th to Apr. 4th
Apr. 1st, 2021 Maundy Thursday
Apr. 2nd, 2021 Good Friday
Apr 4th, 2021 Easter Sunday
Apr 12th, 2021 Juan Santamaria Day (Battle of Rivas)
May 3rd, 2021 Workers Day, Labor Day, May Day
Jun 3rd, 2021 Fest of Corpus Christi Day
Jun 20th, 2021 Father's Day
Jun 20th, 2021 June Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)
Jun 29th, 2021 St. Peter & St. Paul's Day
Jul 16th, or closest Saturday Virgin of the Sea Day
Jul 26th, 2021 Annexation of Guanacaste
Aug 2nd, 2021 Our Lady of Los Angeles, a tribute to La Negrita.
Aug 15th, 2021 Mother's Day
Aug 15th, 2021 Assumption Day (The deceased Virgin's body is 'assumed' into heaven)
Aug 24th, 2021 National Parks Day
Sep 3rd Week of International Beach Clean-Up Day
Sep 9th, 2021 Children's Day
Sep 15th 2021 Independence Day
Sep 22nd, 2021 September Equinox
Oct 11th, 2021 National Cultural Day
Oct 31st, 2021 Halloween
Nov 2nd, 2021 All Souls Day
Nov 4th, 2021 Dawali Hindu Festival of Lights
Nov 22nd, 2021 Teachers Day
Dec 8th, 2021 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Dec 21st, 2021 December Solstice
Dec 25th, 2021 Christmas Day
Dec 31st, 2021 New Year's Eve

Costa Rican's love a festive celebration and display their joyous, friendly personalities to rhythmic music at every possible occasion. Food is always a good accompaniment to a celebration, nor would it be complete without something liquid to lift-the-spirits and quench the thirst. But some celebrations are more solemn, such as religious ceremonies where groups participate in age-old rituals; then the food and the music may be different and more fitting to the occasion.

Costa Rica Holidays and Vacations

*Special Note: You will find that frequently featured 'Bull-riding' and 'Bullfighting' these events here are bloodless sport in Costa Rica.

March 2021

Covid-19 may cause the famous Bonanza Cattle Show to be cancelled. Traditionally held during the first week of March, Costa Rica's working cowboys demonstrate their skills at horseracing, rodeo events, bull riding and the only bullfight* in the world where the bull is not harmed; the main show is staged in San Jose.

*Costa Rica practices a humane style of Bullfighting. The bulls are not harmed; if any blood is shed it will come from the Matadors. Check it out! The colorful spectators and activity make this a 'Super Photo-Op'.

At some time in March, 9 usually the second Sunday, is 'Dia de los Boyeros', or *Oxcart Drivers day, this is another opportunity for photographers to capture unusual and graphic works of art as the Ox Cart decorators compete for bragging-rights for the 'Best Cart In Show'. Escazu, San Jose comes alive at this time. It's a colorful spectacle for the entire family; as usual food and drink are plentiful along with live music.

In mid March, Costa Rica's agricultural produce is showcased as they celebrate National Farmers Day. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables and their tasty by-products come to show at the hosting of the 'Fruit Festival', in Orotina, Alajuela. Costa Rica is well known for their fresh fruit and vegetables; now taste the mouth-watering dishes and beverages made with all fresh, local, produce (Covid-19 may force a cancellation).

Also in mid March, is the National Orchid Show which is a 'World Event' staged in San Jose with many challengers for the top-ribbon honors. Over 300 species of orchids in full bloom take the stage. A sensational Photo-Op! (Covid-19 may force a cancellation)

March 19th, 2021, the Feast of St. Joseph is celebrated with Roman Catholic masses, followed by local pageants and celebrations throughout Costa Rica.

March 20, 2021, is the March Equinox, the beginning of the Astronomical Spring; this is evidenced by the many flowering and bearing items on show.

March 29th to April 4th 2021, Holy Week- The week before Easter, known as Semana Santa; it is a time for religious devotion throughout Costa Rica. Many businesses close for the entire week as a mark of respect.

April 2021

Costa Rica Holidays and Vacations

Traditionally, activities in Costa Rica come to a standstill during 'Holy Week'. This is the time of the year when Roman Catholics participate in their most sacred and solemn events on their calendar; it is the period just preceding, and including, the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

  • In recent times, Costa Rica is a Roman Catholic society; they still observe the old Holy traditions. Yet some people prefer to spend the time relaxing with family and friends even on these public holidays still paying respect to the Holiest of Traditions.
  • Government Offices, business places, restaurants and bars are mandated to close on Maundy Thursday, April 1st, 2021 and Good Friday, April 2nd, 2021. Be sure to check the opening hours of places you intend to visit on those days.
  • Hospitals, Health Centres, Police Stations and other essential services will remain open and operational during Holy Week.
  • April 1st, 2021 Maundy Thursday
  • April 2nd, 2021 Good Friday
  • April 4th, 2021 Easter Sunday; University faculties participate in parades with music and dancing. (Covid-19 may force a cancellation of festivities)
  • April 12, 2021, Juan Santamaria Day; recounts the Battle of Rivas, where Juan Santamaria of Alajuela, a young drummer-boy in the Costa Rican Army, used a torch to set fire to the invading slave trader William Walker's stronghold. He was shot dead in the process. He is a celebrated National Hero for his bravery, helping Costa Rica defeat the invading William Walker's rabble in 1856.

May 2021

  • May 3rd, 2021, Wednesday-is Workers Day, Labor Day orDia de los Trabajadores, a public holiday honoring the workers of Costa Rica. Join them and enjoy a game of Cricket or one of the other outdoor events. There will be plenty of good music, food and beverages. Another great Photo-Op!'

Public Holiday in Costa Rica

June 2021

  • Sunday, June 20th, 2021, Dia de los Padres, or Father's Day.
  • Thursday, June 3rd, 2021, Corpus Christie Day, Christian observance that honors the Holy Eucharist. It is also known as the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ. The instruments of the Holy Sacrament (bread and wine) are usually offered during Communion, or Eucharist, onCorpus Christi.
  • Sunday, June 20th, 2021 -June Solstice or Summer Solstice
  • Monday, June 28th, 2021, Dia de Dan Pedro y San Pablo, religious celebrations honoring the Saints Peter and Paul.

July 2021

Public Holiday in Costa Rica

Friday, July 16th, 2021- Fiesta de la Virgen del Mar. The Virgin of the Sea Festival celebrations are held to honor the patron of the sea. Brightly decorated boats parade in processions carrying a statue of the Virgin Mother, a special mass follows.

Monday, July 26th, 2021- Dia de Guanacaste celebrates the day when the people of Guanacaste chose Cost Rican rule over Nicaraguan (1824). Dating back to a time before Guanacaste was yet a Principal of Costa Rica. Liberia erupts in jubilantion with festivities and fireworks.

August 2021

  • Monday, August 2nd, 2021, Our Lady of the Angeles is a very religious day in Costa Rica. A pilgrimage travelling on foot travels from San Jose to Los Angeles Basilica de Cartago, in order to honor La Negrita, the black Virgin Mother. Expect a huge crowd of people seeking mercies and cures for various ailments.
  • Sunday, August 15th, 2021-is Dia de Madre is Mother's Day a special day in Costa Rica. Ticos take the day off to be with or honor memories of their mothers.
  • Sunday, August 15th, 2021-is is the day Catholics celebrate the Virgin Mary "having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory".
  • Monday, August 30th, 2021, honors San Ramon, the town's patron saint.
  • Tuesday, August 24th, 2021, National Parks Day.
  • Monday, August 30th, 2021, The National Day of Black and Afro-Costa Rican Culture is an official Costa Rican celebration lasting for a week.

Public Holiday in Costa Rica

September 2021

  • Thursday, September 9th, 2020 – National Children's Day
  • Wednesday, September 15th, 2020- Independence Day is enthusiastically celebrated throughout the Country. Costa Rica comes alive in proud memory of the country's Independence from Spain in 1821. Moved to Monday, September 13th, 2021
  • During the 3rd week of September, 2021, locals and visitors team-up to clean the coastal beaches of Costa Rica on International Beach Clean-Up Day. A night of festivities marks the close of the weeks of work.
  • Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021, is the start of the September Equinox, the first day of fall.

October 2021

  • Monday, October 11th, 2021- National Cultures Day, replaces Dia de la Raza in celebration of Culture.
  • Sunday, October 31st, 2021- Halloween was not a recognized holiday in years gone by, but is now a highly celebrated event with contests for best costumes andtrick-or-treating.

November 2021

  • Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021- Dia de lo Muertos, 'All Souls Day', Ticos and Ticas visit their departed friends and loved one's in cemeteries, leaving food, drink, flowers and other tokens of remembrance.
  • Thursday, November 4th, 2021-Dawali Hindu Festival of Lights.
  • Monday, November 22nd, 2021- Teachers Day will honour teachers throughout the country.
  • Sunday, November 28, 2021- U.S. Thanksgiving, many hotels and bars celebrate the holiday; it is not a Public holiday but "Oh! What-a-Night" .
  • Monday, November 29, 2021- of the Abolition of the Army. (Normally celebrated on December 1st

December 2021

  • Wednesday, December 8th, 2021- Fiesta de los Negritos, Roman Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin.
  • During the week before Christmas, big celebrations throughout the Country (Covid-19 permitting) for the Festival de la Luz (Festival of Lights). Concerts, street parades, and fireworks take place after dark in parks and public places.

Public Holiday in Costa Rica

  • Friday, December 24th, 2021- Christmas Eve, most stores have shortened opening hours closing early to enjoy time with their families. At midnight the churches herald in the birth of the Saviour with the Misa de Gallo, Mass of the Rooster celebrated throughout the country. (The Rooster plays a very important part in the Catholic religion and it can be seen on many weather vanes and other Catholic symbols).
  • Saturday, December 25th, 2021- Christmas Day is a family day, many go to the beaches or relaxing in the cool rainforest. For most families, the day begins with a Mass in a local church before exchanging gifts and a traditional Christmas feast. In San Jose the famous horse parade Tope Caballos kicks-off, featuring the Criollo horse breed.
  • Friday, December 31st, 2021- New Year's Eve and the night is filled with many parties and festive celebrations across the country as Costa Ricans herald in the New Year.
                                          7 Curated Costa Rica vacation packages for 2022                                      

Rincon de la Vieja Covid-19 Update

Both regular procedures and trail access inside Rincon de la Vieja National Park have changed since Covid-19. This timely update is a supplement to our many blogs and articles related to travel in Costa Rica and in particular, Rincon de la Vieja. The United Nations (UN) and some of its specialized agencies, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Costa Rica as having among the lowest Covid-19 infections rates world-wide. However, Covid-19 has affected the normal operations of most activities in Costa Rica and the National Parks are no different. Significant changes have been instituted by the National Park's operators, SINAC (the National System of Conservation Areas) and MINAE (the Ministry of Environment and Energy)

Hiking Rincon de la Vieja Sectors and Trails

The two main Trails in the Rincon de la Vieja National Park that lead to the Craters are the Las Pailas Trail on the Pacific Side and the Santa Maria Trail on the Caribbean slope.

Las Pailas Sector- Trail Changes

Some of the changes that visitors will note are Covid-19 related yet others are as a result of volcanic instability. Below is an outline of changes that may not yet be mentioned in other available information but has been officially instituted.

One of the main differences is the limitation on hiking in the National Parks. For some there has been a total lockdown and yet others have had routes changed to provide everything but a real crater close-up.

Below is a map illustrating the hiking routes through the Rincon de La Vieja National Park and identifying the routes that are open to visitors. Additionally, the rules for visiting have been altered slightly. Entrance fees now have to be prepaid and reservations made at least 24 hours in advance (see details below).

Traditionally, the two Trails in the Rincon de la Vieja National Park were the Las Pailas Trail and the Santa Maria Trail, both connected visitors to the main craters.

Complications arose with the volcanic instability of the Rincon de la Vieja Crater, for a long time, since 2011, the volcano has emitted minor eruptions of gas and mud but no lava. As recently as 8th September 2020, at 5:59 a.m. an eruption shot a plume 500 m above the crater's rim. The Trail sections leading to the craters are all, relatively, steep and challenging; so the loose terrains when wetted by normal rainfall become too dangerous to permit hiking to the summit.

Combined with the above the Covid-19 Pandemic Rincon de la Vieja National Park has revised the Park's operations; as outlined below-

They have allowed hiking on the Las Pailas Circular Trail only; it is open and safe for visitors.

Las Pailas -Circular Trail

The Las Pailas Circular Trail offers a safe route to view and experience the volcanic features of the region. This section of the Las Pailas Sector, known as the 'Las Pailas Circular Trail', is operational, safe, and welcoming visitors (at the time of writing this Blog- September 2020). However, there are changes in how the Park operates.

Warning- Any information to the contrary may be in need of updating; do your research carefully.

Las Pailas -Sector Regulations

The new regulations governing visitation and entry to the Las Pailas Sector of the Rincon de la Vieja National Park are below. This information has been issued by the Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG); it was first published on 06 July, 2020, and updated 07 August, 2020.

Las Pailas -Entrance Fees

Charges:Adults ¢1,130Adult USD 16.55*
Children¢ 500Children USD 5.65*
Student¢ 500

*These rates include a VAT since 31st August, 202, (SINCA Law on the strengthening of Public Finances No. 9635)

Las Pailas Sector- Bookings

Make sure to have a credit or debit card ready when making these arrangements.

Las Pailas Visitor Information

  • Visitors are invited to read, complete, and submit the online form detailing group size and plans inside the Park.
  • The data collected is used to properly manage and organize the Park.
  • Social Distancing' is to be maintained at all times.
  • The daily limit on visitors using the Circular Trail is 100 persons. The charges quoted above
  • Must accompany reservations (prepayment).
  • Before entering the Las Pailas Park, their Rangers will perform temperature checks and enquire if anyone has displayed any symptoms of the Covid-19.

Las Pailas Sector-Services Available

  • Come to the Visitors Center located near the Ranger Station.
  • Some Hiking Trails are open but all Crater Trails are closed.
  • There is potable water and sanitary services at the Pailas Ranger Station.
  • There is a presence of security provided by the Park Rangers on site.
  • There is no public telephone but cellular phones do work.
  • Camping is not permitted in this Sector.
  • Cooking is only allowed on designated grills and must be fueled by gas or charcoal.

Santa Maria Trail Availability -CLOSED

All Tours to the Rincon de la Vieja volcano craters and other Sectors have already been suspended because of mild volcanic activity detected in the area.

When discussing environmental issues and areas related to them we frequently refer to SINAC. A brief explanation of SINAC follows-

The National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) of Costa Rica integrally manages the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife, forest resources, protected wild areas, hydrographic basins and water systems, in coordination with other institutions and actors of society, for the well-being of current and future generations.

Covid-19 Update

Costa Rica COVID-19 Entrance Requirements- September, 2020

September 11, 2020

The following information was recently published in the Tico Times, 8th September, 2020, regarding current travel restrictions for entry into Costa Rica. Please note the link to the Costa Rica Government's Health Form online.

NB- U.S. tourists must also demonstrate, via their driver's license or State ID that they reside in one of the 12 authorized states. Minors traveling with family are exempted from this requirement.

Important information for visitors who reside in U.S. states those authorized to visit Costa Rica:

  • Travelers who are residents of 12 U.S. states are authorized to enter Costa Rica via a flight. (These 12 states are: Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont and Connecticut as of Sept. 1; Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Colorado as of Sept. 15.)
  • The flight must originate in an authorized U.S. state or authorized country.
  • The flight can be direct or with a connection, and a layover can be in a non-authorized location. For example, you can begin travel in Vermont and have a layover in Miami, Florida. Or, begin travel in New York and have a layover in El Salvador.
  • The maximum allowed layover time is 18 hours. During that time, the passenger cannot leave the airport. Upon arriving in Costa Rica, the passenger should demonstrate via their boarding passes that their flight originated in an authorized state/country.

Requirements for entering Costa Rica as a tourist:

  • Complete the Health Pass.
  • Demonstrate proof of a negative PCR-RT coronavirus test. The sample must have been taken in the 72 hours before departure. The results must be in English or Spanish.
  • Have travel insurance covering COVID-19 medical and accommodation expenses.

NB- All visitors must complete the online 'Health Pass' as instructed.

Visiting Rincon de la Vieja

Visiting Rincon de la Vieja will be a highlight of your holiday. One of the most ecologically diverse areas in Costa Rica, Rincon de la Vieja is part of the UNESCO World Heritage sites due to its diverse natural ecology having crucial habitats for rare and endangered flora and fauna. The Rincon de la Vieja National Park is 34,800 acre(14,084 ha). There is also the active Rincon de la Vieja Volcano, steaming fumaroles, bubbling mud pots, blue rivers and hot springs.

Mudpots / fumerelos at Rincon de la Vieja along the self-guided tour

The Guanacaste Mountains (Cordillera de Guanacaste) inside the park have several volcanic peaks, with the Rincon de la Vieja's peak lumbering in at 6,385 ft. (1,916 m.) above sea level. The blue rivers, black rivers and clear rivers created by Rincon de la Vieja are not only a great source of beauty, but a great source of hydro power and her volcanoes provide geothermal energy, which help to reduce the country's reliance on fossil fuels.

Along the north side of the volcano is Blue River Resort & Hot Springs that offers much of what tourists seek in Costa Rica. Only this side of the volcano is in the rain forest, offers views of the smoking Rincon de la Vieja crater, blue rivers and natural hot springs. Billed as the ultimate in relaxation and Eco-adventure, amenities at Blue River Resort include the blue river Rio Azul, 3 hot springs pools, 2 freshwater pools with a water slide. botanical gardens with bird, fish and caiman sanctuaries, the butterfly gardens, natural mud and steam baths, plus much more. Rooms are 740 square foot cabanas with a hammock on your private balcony. For adventure, set off on excursions to spectacular nature settings, on horseback, hiking and swimming for tubing down a blue river, dips in a spectacular blue river and grand waterfalls, zip lining plus many more adventures.

Cathedral Waterfalls, an adventure tour at Blue River Resort & Hot Springs

Toucan inside Rincon de la Vieja National Park

Toucan inside Rincon de la Vieja National Park

We encourage considering a visit to a Costa Rica volcano like Rincon de la Vieja. And we invite you to read on, sitting back with a cup of your favorite Costa Rica Coffee.

Our Volcano Legend

The Legend of 'Rincon de la Vieja' Volcano

The English translation of 'Rincon de la Vieja' is 'the old woman's corner', named for the tragic tale that took place centuries ago. It's the story of a love affair, a beautiful girl, a hero and a disapproving father.


The beautiful Princess Curabanda was madly in love with Mixcoac the Chief of a neighboring enemy tribe. Her father, Curanande, was angered at their relationship and ended it violently by throwing Mixcoac into the volcano.

The Princess, who was pregnant with Mixcoac's child, was stricken with grief and exiled herself to living on the slopes of the volcano from that day onwards. After she gave birth to a son, a boy that constantly reminded her of her deceased lover, she threw him into the crater so that he may be with his father. Legend says her spirit gained magical powers and she still roams those mountains as a peaceful healing spirit.
